DEM Particle Characteristic Velocity

The characteristic velocity of a DEM particle is the impact velocity of the particle with a surface and is also known as the drop velocity. The vertical impact velocity is the gravitational potential energy converted to kinetic energy at the instant just pre-impact.

impact velocity

The gravitational potential energy is a function of the particle’s mass and the height from the impact surface as follows:

U_g = mgh

Where m, g, and h represent the mass of the particle, the height of impact, and gravity respectively. The kinetic energy just prior to impact is given by the velocity pre-impact as:

U_k = \frac{1}{2}mV_{impact}^2

Equating the particle’s initial energy state to the energy state prior to impact will provide the vertical impact velocity (assuming no energy dissipation such as drag)

\frac{1}{2}mV_{impact}^2 = mgh

V_{impact}= \sqrt{2gh}

Most dynamic textbooks provide collision and projectile problems for practice.